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Cloud Privacy Policy

This Privacy Notice describes how we collect and process your personal information in connection with the services provided by IMS - Network through our cloud. These services include our platform, cloud identity services, and technical support services (collectively, the "Cloud Services").

We offer our Cloud Services directly to our customers or through authorized partners. When we refer to our customers in this notice, this also includes partners and their customers.

If the data privacy laws of the European Union, the United Kingdom, or Switzerland apply to the processing of your information, you can refer to the section ‘European Privacy Standards and the GDPR’ below to learn about your rights and our compliance with these legal requirements.

Information We Collect and Process

Our cloud processes customer, partner, and service information in order to provide the Cloud Services. This Privacy Notice applies only to Service Information and does not apply to Customer or Partner Information. We explain below what we mean by "Service Information".

Customer and Partner Information is defined in our agreements with our customers and represents the data that you and our customers provide for processing in the Cloud Services. For more details on how we process Customer and Partner Information, please review the Cloud Data Processing Addendum (Customers) and the Cloud Data Processing Addendum (Partners).

Service Information is the personal data that our cloud collects or generates during the provision and management of services, excluding Customer and Partner Information.

Service Information includes:

  • Account Information: We collect the information you or your organization provide when creating an account for the Cloud Services or signing an agreement with us (such as username, names, contact details, and job titles).
  • Cloud Payments and Transactions: We maintain reasonable records of charges, payments, and billing details and related issues.
  • Cloud Settings and Configurations: We document your settings and configurations, including resource identifiers, features, and security settings.
  • Technical and Operational Details of Your Use of the Cloud Services: We collect information regarding your usage, operational status, software bugs, crash reports, authentication details, quality and performance metrics, and other technical information necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Cloud Services.
  • Direct Communication with Us: We retain records of your communications and interactions with us and our partners (for example, when you provide feedback, ask questions, or request technical support).

Why We Process Service Information

Our cloud processes Service Information for the following purposes:

  • To Provide the Cloud Services You Requested: We use Service Information primarily to provide the Cloud Services you and our customers request. This includes processing Service Information as necessary to conduct pre-credit checks for certain customers, charge for the Cloud Services used, ensure that services function as intended, identify and resolve technical issues or other problems, and secure your data and services.
  • To Improve Your Use of the Cloud Services: We use Service Information to offer you and our customers recommendations (e.g., how to improve account or data security, reduce service costs, enhance performance, or optimize your configurations).
  • To Maintain and Improve the Cloud Services: We assess Service Information to enhance the performance and functionality of the Cloud Services. As we improve the Cloud Services for you, we also enhance them for our customers and vice versa.
  • To Protect You, Other Users, Customers, the Public, and Our Cloud: We use Service Information to identify, prevent, and respond to fraud, abuse, security risks, and technical issues that may harm you, other users, our customers, the public, or our cloud. This helps us make our services more secure and reliable.
  • To Comply with Our Legal Obligations: We use Service Information to meet our legal obligations (for example, when we are required to respond to legal requests or enforceable governmental requests or to meet our financial record-keeping obligations).

Where We Store Service Information

We store Service Information on servers located in data centers worldwide. Service Information may be processed on servers outside the country where our users and customers are located.

Regardless of where Service Information is processed, we apply the same safeguards described in this Privacy Notice. When we transfer Service Information outside of the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, or Switzerland, we do so under certain legal frameworks.

How We Secure Service Information

We build our cloud services with robust security features to protect your information. We strive to safeguard the Service Information we hold against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction, including:

  • Encryption of Service Information at rest and during transmission between our facilities.
  • Regular reviews of our information collection, storage, and processing practices, including physical security measures, to prevent unauthorized access to our systems.
  • Limiting access to Service Information to IMS - Network employees, contractors, and agents who need it to process the Service Information on our behalf.

How We Share Service Information

We do not share Service Information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside IMS - Network except in the following cases:

  • When Purchasing Third-Party Services: We share Service Information with trusted service providers to process the information for us, based on this Privacy Notice and appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
  • With Your Consent: We will share Service Information with external parties when we have received your explicit consent to do so.
  • To Comply with Legal Requirements: We share Service Information outside of IMS - Network when we believe in good faith that access or disclosure of the Service Information is necessary to comply with legal requirements, regulations, legal processes, or enforceable governmental requests.

Regional Privacy Protections

We are committed to complying with regional privacy regulations in the various markets in which we operate. We provide you with tools and resources tailored to the different regions where our cloud operates.