IMS – Legal

All our legal information in one place

We do everything with an emphasis on privacy and security

Quick Links

Privacy Policy
Terms & Conditions
ISO Standards
Gaming Policies
Software Policies

Our Values

These goals accompany us in writing the policy on this site


We emphasize and build our systems with a high emphasis on privacy
We strive to do our best to meet the highest privacy standards available today, privacy is an important value in the modern world


Your information should stay in place
Today the subject of security is something important and it comes on the same hand as privacy
To maintain the security of our customers’ data
We go above and beyond to secure our service


We need to be reliable and honest
Transparency comes from knowing about our internal processes, we don’t try to hide information
We try to be honest and clear and explain everything

your privacy was violated? Contact Us

If your privacy has been violated in one of our services,
send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible

frequently asked questions

Are you a non-profit organization?

No, even though we are a volunteer organization we do make profits and they help us cover after expenses, we use our profits to grow and improve the quality of our service

Do you have an iso certificate recognized by the Israeli Standards Institute?

No, although we publish the policy that we follow ISO standards in our organization none of our standards are official
We comply with the guidelines because your privacy and security are important to us and we make it our top priority

Do we need to know all this information

The policy explains to you what you can expect when you use our services, the policy explains and details our responsibilities and your responsibilities while using our services

Can I copy content from your site?

Do not copy content word for word, but we do support organizations that take the initiative and want to make a policy portal similar to ours! Most of the information here is generic and ISO standards are public

ISO Who?!

ISO standards are international standards for quality management. They define the minimum requirements for a quality management system, which enables the organization to consistently provide a product or service that meets customer requirements.

ISO standards are suitable for all types of organizations, regardless of size, type of activity or field of specialization. They help organizations improve their efficiency, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction and improve their international image.

Need more information

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] 


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